Saturday 15 December 2012


Though once afar off enemies
And strangers to sanguinity,
As brought to God and taught to praise
We bow before the Trinity.

According to God's glorious ways
At home in Thy vicinity
To worship to the length of days
We bow before the Trinity.

With every heart and conscience clear
Before God's great divinity,
In reverence and godly fear
We bow before the Trinity.

Men, disparate, may now adhere
In heavenly consanguinity;
As in affection we appear
We bow before the Trinity.

Because of all that God has done
In love a new affinity
Of God and man has now begun;
We bow before the Trinity.

Acknowledging God   Father, Son
And Spirit (in infinity
Three Persons, yet forever One)  
We bow before the Trinity.


  1. A Paz de Cristo Jesus,

    Navegando pela net, cheguei até aqui, conheci seu blog e o que mais me interessou nele foram as mensagens... edificantes, esclarecedoras e abençoadas...


    A propósito, caso ainda não esteja seguindo meu blog, deixo o convite:
    Retribuirei o carinho.

    Que o Senhor vos abençoe e vos guarde!

    P.S. Deixo também o convite para visitar o blog do Discípulo de Cristo, um irmão muito querido.
    Temas atuais, estudos bíblicos e mensagens abençoadoras...

    Em Cristo,


  2. The Peace of Jesus Christ, Browsing the net, I got here, I met your blog and what interested me most were the messages in it ... edifying, enlightening and blessed ... Congratulations! By the way, if not already following my blog, let's invitation: repay the kindness. May the Lord bless you and keep you! PS I also leave the invitation to visit the blog the Disciples of Christ, a brother beloved. Current themes, messages and Bible studies abençoadoras ... In Christ, Lucy


I'm glad to hear how this strikes you!