Friday 13 May 2011



Galiliee - where divine light
Beamed around men
In the person of Christ.

Gennesaret - where He stood,
Or took ship, or commanded the fishing,
To sinful man's best advantage.

Gadara - to which He ventured
Through the waves and the winds
To tame one wildness.

Gethsemane - where the offering,
Tested by water, was proved
To be fit for the sacrifice.

Golgotha - where man's malice
Ran out fully, and where God's justice
Exacted its own satisfaction.

Galilee -  where a risen Man
Met His disciples, received homage,
And gave His constant promise.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, those are the places associated with Christ as He spread His Gospel message of hope and salvation to the world. Thanks for the post. God bless you always.


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